Iločki Podrumi Graševina (2011) – “Flavours of green apple, grape and fresh cucumber, plus a hint of parsley.”
Iločki Podrumi is located in eastern Croatia, in the Syrmia region, near to the border with Serbia. Overlooking the river Danube, Ilok has a long and proud history of wine-making, stretching back to the Roman times. The Royal School of Viticulture was established in 1899, whilst wines from Ilok are believed to have been served during the celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953.
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Score – 82/100 (non-blind)
- Name – Iločki Podrumi
- Vintage – 2011
- Variety – Graševina (‘Kvalitetno Vino’ – ‘Quality Wine’)
- Region – Syrmia, eastern Croatia
- Serving temperature – 10-12 degrees
- Drink immediately
Tasting Notes
- Lemon-green in colour, with an aroma of gooseberries;
- Flavours of green apple, grape and fresh cucumber, plus a hint of parsley;
- Creamy texture, with a slight astringency;
- Lacks sufficient balance and alignment of flavours;
- Round, medium finish, with little in the way of complexity.
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I love this wine. Fresh, clean, fragrant.
I have a 2011 bottle of the “Premium’ selection of this winery’s same Grasevina. I tend to agree with your review above and wonder what beter could come with this other bottle that I picked up at the same time with Andy at the Illocki Podrumi. It is time for a tasting!
I’ve somehow managed to miss their kvalitetno-level Graševina. On that level, I wasn’t impressed by their Chardonnay, but their Traminac… wow.
Iločki Podrumi Graševina (2011) – 82 points – Iločki Podrumi Graševina… #Croatia #Grasevina #Ilocki
Iločki Podrumi Graševina (2011) – 82 points – Iločki Podrumi Graševina… #Croatia #Grasevina #Ilocki